Wednesday, February 22, 2012

24 weeks, aka 6 months

Weight gain: About 5 pounds

Maternity Clothes: I wear some maternity shirts, got some super cute ones at Old Navy! No pants yet, though that won't last long! Will probably order some online today!

Sleep: I miss sleeping through the night without moving once... now it seems I toss and turn every hour! And of course get up to go pee at least twice!

Gender: we opted not to find out!

Belly Button: Still in

What I miss: sleep, going a day without having a horrible popping feeling in my belly (round ligament pains)

What I am looking froward to: finding out if we're having a baby girl or boy!

Milestone: I haven't been nauseaus in a few weeks!

Size of baby: almost 12" long, and just over a pound
maybe I'll surprise you all with a belly shot later this week! 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

it has happened!

the chair rail that is!
I'm soooo in love with it! 
Still need to do the caulking but you can barely tell!


and now: (please ignore the laundry in the corner and crap on the table!)

I need to find a new light.  
Looked today at Home Depot but there wasn't a single one that I was in love with.  
Anyone have suggestions as to where I should look? Besides Lowes or Home Depot.
(This bottom picture is an iPhone shot, the upper picture shows the true colors of the walls and furniture)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

baby nursery

I have the itch to start on a nursery.  
Oh how it would have been nice if we knew what gender this little bean is!  
Here is my inspiration photo:
This room is amazing isn't it!?!?!?  Our guest room is painted that green color already, and we have this amazing window so the long pink curtains will look amazing! And that tree? Yes, definitely worth loathing over!  Pretty sure we'll be finding a chandelier as well!
Here is the room that we'll be turning into a nursery, as long as the bean is a girl... if not, this room will get turned into Logan's.

Speaking of girl.... according to the Chinese Calendar this little bean is a GIRL! :-)
(I'm not superstitious at all.....well, maybe this one time I will be)

Oh, and this is my 20 week belly shot..... (2 weeks ago)

I got my referral to an endocrinologist yesterday, time to go in and see if I can go the rest of my pregnancy without having my thyroid mass biopsy'd again until after the bean is born.  The talk at the end of the summer was biopsy it one more time and then remove the right thyroid gland.  
Yuck yuck yuck....
Crossing fingers that we can just wait awhile longer before anything drastic happens!