Wednesday, May 16, 2012


has been non-stop lately!  

Mother's Day was a great weekend.  Logan's baseball team played in a Mothers Day Classic Tournament all 3 days..... and guess what..... they won the tournament championship!

I unfortunately had to work Sunday night so I didn't get to fully "soak in" Mothers Day, however the boys spoiled me by surprising me with a new Kindle Fire! YAY!  Luckily Sunday night was pretty slow, I only had 3 patients, so I had plenty of time to learn how to use this new toy!

Yesterday (Tuesday) was my weekly doctor's appointment.  I have sonograms every week because of my diabetes, they are called BPP's.  Basically the baby gets scored on movement, breathing, amniotic fluid, and something else that I can never remember.  Normally we pass these with no problems.  Of course yesterday we failed.  Baby refused to breathe.  So onto the non-stress test.  During the NST we get 20 minutes on the monitor and the baby's heart rate has to accelerate three times, however there are strict rules about the accelerations, seriously I kind of stopped listening.  This little baby waited until the 19th minute to do the 3rd acceleration!  Stubborn baby!  

All I can really say right now, I am OVER being pregnant!  In 3 more weeks we are having our c-section but I tell ya I'm not sure I'm gonna make it another 3 weeks!  I'm miserably uncomfortable.  I know I should be thankful that I am still carrying my baby, that am I even blessed enough to have this baby.  So please don't take my whininess as if I don't appreciate this.... just sometimes when the baby moves and it causes a sharp stabbing feeling in my va-jay-jay, or my boobs have stabbing pains, or I'm unable to sleep at night because the contractions keep waking me up, or the need to pee every 20 minutes..... sometimes when these things happen I just have to complain! 

Today I'll leave you with this face shot of Baby D...... this is the first time we've seen the face!


Shannon said...

Hang in there momma! I remember the last few weeks and totally feel for you, but soon you'll have baby! xoxo

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Good luck with the delivery! It won't be long now! We're deep in baseball right now. Tournament is next week. Congrats to your son!