Wednesday, June 3, 2009


This is me.... I leave for my cruise Saturday morning.  I will be away from my kids for 8 days, I haven't even been away from them for 1 day, how am I supposed to do 8?  I have to pack for me, the hubs, and both kids.  Packing for an 8 month old will not be an easy task.  Then since our house is for sale I need to make sure the house is left in spick and span condition so that it can be shown.  On top of that I have 3 pets that will be left behind so I need to make sure that they are well taken care of.  My 5 yr old has asthma that has really started affecting him this summer so I'm nervous about him being without me.  Then for the last week I've been nagging my renters to clean up the yard.  I got a letter from the city telling me that I was going to get fined because the grass and weeds are so overgrown.  Finally after 5 days the yard has been cleaned up.  Now the issue is getting the rent!  I've received half of it but am still working on the rest.  An hour ago is when I received the first half and at the same time the tenant let me know that this will be their last month in the house.  Great, just what I needed to deal with right now.  Sigh.... I definitely need this vacation but also feel like it isn't the best time for me to be leaving town (I'd say country but that really terrifies me!)...


Heather @ Simple Wives said...

You'll have a wonderful time! =) Hopefully you'll get to de-stress... :)

Liz said...

You need new renters anyway, they suck. :) I'm sure the minute you board the ship and get a drink you will feel MUCH better. Have fun!!! Lemme know if you need me to check on the pups.

rachaelgking said...

Chin up, love! You'll be okay... as soon as you're on that boat with an umbrella drink in your hand ;-)

Trixie said...

I am totally stressed too, but I wish it was because I was goin on a cruise. Instead, I just get to work next week! Just think though, you will have a blast and forget all this stress ever happened.