Friday, November 13, 2009

An Award!

I Do At the Zoo has given me this amazing award! Thank you so much!

Alright, so I get to think about 10 fascinating things about myself and tell those things to you! I Do had a great idea and decided to have her husband think of these 10 things, so I'm following in her footsteps!

Here's what my hubs had to say about me:

1. very excellent cook, only made 1 meal in 5yrs that I didn't like
2. very creative, great at turning a house into a home
3. jaw pops when chewing
4. can't whistle
5. can't roll her tongue
6. loves to paint
7. can sit and watch Friends and Sex & The City re-runs all day!
8. thinks it's fun to put t-shirts and sweaters on her dog
9. has an overwhelming need to save all the animals
10. picks her team to win, or horse to win a race, by the color of the jerseys or the color of the horse!

Now here are the 10 people that I'm passing this on to, I love your blogs!
2. Love & Marriage (and now expecting a baby carriage!!!!!!)


jasmine said...

thank you very much! :)

Mrs EyeCanSee said...


Kristen said...

THESE make my day!!! thank you for making my dar, kristen!!!! i love your bloggie too. :) now - i will get Josh on this homework asap. thanks again for making my monday sweeeettt@!@!!!

Taryn said...

aww- congratulations! you are a might special blogger these days.

Chelsi said...

THANK YOU!! So much for the award. Your hubby is so cute with his 10 things about you!!

What meal was it he didnt like? lol

Oh! And Friends re-runs... you could play the whole series on a loop and I'd just watch them over and over:) lol I probably would for SITC too but they are not on as often.