Tuesday, February 16, 2010

counting our blessings

Last week I heard some sad news regarding my little guy, but I opted to not share the information with anyone. I wanted time to get a for sure yes or no, and if my answer was "yes" then I wanted time for my husband and I to accept this new plan for our lives.
For those of you who have read my blog for awhile, you know that the little guy
(16 month old son) seems to always be sick.
Most of the time it's pneumonia, rsv, other respiratory issues.
Last Monday I took him in to his dr and he was again diagnosed with RSV.
Today I had to take him to KU Hospital to be tested for Cystic Fibrosis.
Our prayers were answered and the little guy had a normal test result, which means
he does not have CF.

There are still some concerns as to why the poor kid keeps getting these infections, and why he hasn't gained a single ounce in almost 5 months.
I faith that everything will turn out just fine and that my little guy
will continue to grow and be absolutely amazing in life!


Annie said...

i hope your little man just keeps getting healthier hun! i'm glad to hear the positive news, i'll be praying for him!
sending hugs your way!

J said...

You guys are in my thoughts and prayers!! Hugs!!

Leslie G said...

Thank goodness that it's not CF. It's scary when your baby is sick- I'll be praying that his sickness will finally end!

Unknown said...

Hope the docs can provide some answers for you. Thinking of you...

Anonymous said...

Hope you figure out what's going on soon!

Liz said...

Poor baby. I'm praying you will get a diagnosis soon and one that is manageable so he can start feeling better!

Lucky in Love said...

Thinking of you my dear friend!! Praying for you little one :)

Pink in a sea of blue said...

Aww. I hope they can determine the cause of his illnesses. Poor little guy. Will pray for him.