Wednesday, July 15, 2009

the official review

Harry Potter was amazing!!! Possibly my favorite so far! I do not read the books, I'm purely a movie follower so I have no idea how this series ends.... however I was devastated by the ending of this movie! I was completely unprepared for the tragedy! And feel very let down by Snape.... not the direction I was hoping he would go. Acting was wonderful, they really showed the teenage hormones well! lol I laughed and laughed, ah what a wonderful movie. I'll definitely see it at least once more while it's in theater. My entire family (sisters, brother & parents) have the tradition of always going to the midnight showing. This year my 10 year old niece was invited to come too. It was a little much for her. On the way to the theater she let us know she was tired and then about 30 minutes into the movie she was curled up in her chair asleep! Anyway, I don't want to reveal too much about the movie incase my fellow readers are like me and don't read the books.... enjoy the movie, it's definitely a must see!


Liz said...

I've never watched ANY of these movies or read the books! Maybe I should?

Taryn said...

Hurray! I am glad it is good. I am excited to see it.