Monday, May 25, 2009

weekend re-cap

As suspected the weekend with the MIL didn't go as smoothly as one would like it.  

Friday:  Husband got off work early and we had a sitter for the night.  We were supposed to meet the MIL and her husband for dinner at 6:30.  At 6:30 she called me to see if it would be a big deal if we didn't eat dinner.  Apparently they were at a bar that used to be their regular hang out and so many friends were there that they didn't feel like they could leave.  Sure, go ahead and pick your friends over your family - AGAIN!  So we went out to dinner by ourselves and then met them at the bar.  Lucky for us the 2 of them were drunk and fighting with each other.  So we ended up playing babysitter to them for the rest of the night, hauling them and their drunk friends around to whichever bar they desired.  Ended up with them sleeping in our house...

Saturday:  They did actually manage to show up to our oldest sons soccer game, so they get a point for that.  (We'll ignore the fact that they were 30 minutes late!).  After the soccer game we took Logan to his pizza party and the in-laws headed out to the lake.  We made it out to the lake around 5 and hung out, grilled, swam... lots of fun!  Only one casualty: Logan got his fingers shut in the truck door - OW! - luckily after everyone doting on him for awhile he forgot about the fingers!  After visiting with his mom we drove to another campsite to see some of our friends... and then headed back to our house.  Of course both boys allergies just took off after being at the lake.  Riley barely slept Saturday night, which means that I didn't sleep either!

Sunday:  After everyone was up we just hung around being lazy.  MIL called around 4 asking if we were gonna come to her friends cook out so that we could see them.  So of course we'll do as they ask and we hauled the kids over to the cook out that was loaded with drunks.  Fun fun fun.  Luckily there were a couple other kids there, one was about 6 months younger than Logan and the other 2 months older than Riley, so Logan had a playmate and I had another mom to compare baby stuff with.  My only complaint, good Lord that woman had a mouth on her!  As we were heading home Logan asked my hubs who his girlfriend was.  Of course he says "mommy", to which Logan responded with "What the HELL!".... um yeah, we definitely had to have the conversation that just because he hears things from adults it doesn't mean that they are the "right" things to say!

Monday:  The in-laws were supposed to be here at 7 am to eat breakfast with us before they started their drive home.  So hubs and I got up early and started cooking.... it's now 10 am and we still haven't heard from them.  Nice....  her loss.  Hubs and Logan are off golfing and Riley and I are gonna leave shortly to hang with my sister.  

Here's the thing.  On Friday after standing us up for dinner, the MIL kept going on and on about "what a bad mom she is".  I think she expected me to reassure her that she is a good mom.... sorry, you'll get nothing of the sorts from me!  After hearing the things that my hubs went through growing up I can't help but feel that she was not meant to be a mom.  I love his mom, she loves her son, but at least she's able to admit that she's not a good mom.  She has always come before her son.  Anyway, I'll steer away from this cause it could get ugly.  

So the hubs and Logan are golfing, Riley is napping, and I'm blogging!  I've got some major house work to do today.  Oh!  Saturday I got a dress from Penney's to wear on our cruise!  I can't wait!


Cristina said...

oh man...that is so rude that they didn't show up this morning? You are a really good sport to support her :)

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

Sorry you had such a rough time with the MIL!

Anonymous said...

That is terribly sad. My parents see Devin almost every day (not joking). Now I don't have a MIL, but I just cannot imagine a grandma not wanting to see her grandkids! So sad. I'm so sorry you have to deal with the drama.

Kristen said...

cruise...? yah! sounds like friday was fuuuuunnn. :)