Sunday, August 2, 2009

ah the memories

Yesterday I spent way too much time digging through old photos, scanning them, and then uploading them to facebook.... and of course tagging everyone that I could. However it was great fun to look back and remember all of those fun times! Even more fun has been reading everyone's comments about the pictures! lol It's amazing what we girls did with our bangs 15 years ago! Here was one of my favorite pics though... this is me with one of my barrel horses, Mo Pep, the summer after my senior year so I was just 17 - those are awesome glasses aren't they? LOL

And here is my first barrel horse, Barbie, back in my sophomore year so I was just 14. Seriously, how much cooler can a person get?!


Anonymous said...

Oh I think we all had some pretty sweet glasses back in the day! Lol!

Cristina said...

love this!

Liz said...

Haha so funny!