Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weekend Adventures

Friday: I was sorta grumpy with my husband. Baby boy had been sick for 2 days, we're talking nasty diarrhea and diaper rash so bad that he and I both cried while I changed his diapers. So when my hubs called after work on Friday to tell me he was stopping for a couple beers with the guys I was just slightly upset with him. Our night ended with us not speaking and both sleeping by 9:30. Yes I know I was probably acting like a baby but when dealing with a sick baby it's nice to have a break.

Saturday: Husband worked. Baby boy was still sick. I joined my sister & her fiance for the bridal fair. Here are some pics from that

Check out this classy bride to be! lol

Then after the hubs got home from work we headed to the open house at a ranch I grew up riding at. Good times were had! A hay ride, pony rides (we opted out of that one), hot dogs, line dancing.... oh the good times!

Once we were done with the ranch fun we decided it would be nice to get baby boy to bed and for us to watch a movie. (oh yeah, we had made up by this point!) I chose (drumroll) The Hannah Montana Movie. Oh dear Lord what a waste of 2 hours! They should have edited the movie better, the acting could have been better, and it was so fake! I had to keep reminding myself that the movie was made for 13 year old girls so just to look past the imperfections.....

Sunday: the morning started out wonderful! Wonder why? Baby boy slept from 9:30pm - 6:30am without waking up AT ALL! Plus! Diarrhea was finally gone! I got up and fed the baby and luckily he went back to sleep so I got to sleep until 9. Then I pulled out all my horse gear and headed back to the ranch to spend a few hours playing with the horsies. I got to ride a beautiful mare named Reba, she's coal black and absolutely a lover!!! I neglected to take my camera with me so I'll have to get some pics of her next time.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Jenny, over at Lucky in Love, I think I'll take you up on the workout thing.... not sure how we'll do it except for maybe just be each others cheer team! :) Start this week? Next week? Oh how I need motivation!

(btw, the lack of mention of Logan (5yr old) is only due to the fact that he spent the weekend with his dad!)


Lucky in Love said...

Yeah!! How about today!!

You can always e-mail me at mavester34(@)hotmail(dot)com so we can chat! Maybe we can talk about what we are doing to work out or eat...??

Lucky in Love said...

I just e-mailed the lovely Mrs. Stethoscope to see if she could give us some tips...because I noticed she left you a comment telling you about how she lost weight this way with a partner. I'll forward you her e-mail whenever you e-mail me! I think it will be super helpful :)

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

Fun pics! :)

Anonymous said...

Fun pics and Riley gets cuter every day! :)