Thursday, May 27, 2010


Literally, I STOLE trash! But LOOK at this trash! Could you have left it just sitting there for Defenbaugh trash company to crush it in that horribly stinky truck? I think not!
So above is the "before" picture...
drumroll please.....
finished product is below!

I have been looking for something fabulous to put toilet paper in since there are no cabinets in this bathroom.... isn't it perfect?

This the door frame for the top piece that was broken. I think it will make a fabulous frame. I need to find an equally fabulous photo to go in this and then I'll hang it in the bathroom.... there's the hole at the top but I'll find something to go in it so that you won't even be able to tell!
So I'll admit, this was horribly embarrassing for me to go get this trash. I live in a nice neighborhood and there I was in my hot pink jogging pants with a nasty tank top on, sweating, face as pink as pants cause I was so hot, I had just finished walking an excrutiating 3 miles, but I HAD to have this!
So what did I do you ask? Well my friends I picked it up, sat it on the umbrella part of the stroller and continued to walk the final 2 blocks with my head held high. Not really, it was actually bowed in shame and I prayed no one would notice me. But now that I'm home with this baby I couldn't be happier!


Kayla said...

That is so cool! I probably would have taken it too! :-)

Kristen said...

HAHAHAHA!!! this is hilarious but i would have done the same thing!!! love what you did to it :)

Kimberley said...

Your braver then me sista! I would be way too chicken to take it no matter how much I loved it! It looks great though, you would never know someone actually had thrown it away!

Lucky in Love said...

You are hilarious :) And totally awesome! Love it!

beany02 said...

its perfect! i would have taken it to. or i would have made alex go back and get it lol. = )

~The South Dakota Cowgirl~ said...

I love it!

Unknown said...

I would have done the SAME THING! I can't believe someone was trashing that, it's beautiful!

crystal.cattle said...

What a steal! No pun intended. I wish I go into a shop and buy one of these. Great job.

Taryn said...

No shame in dumpster diving- I used to do it ALL the time. But now there is no good trash out really so oh well. I need to move back to an apartment with a dumpster. = ) Good find!